Forums - Insane DHC combos in MVC2 Show all 26 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Insane DHC combos in MVC2 ( Posted by strider_hien on 03:08:2001 07:28 AM: What are some insane or killer DHC combos you've seen people do in MVC2?? What are the most damaging? most hits?? Posted by BastionEX on 03:08:2001 08:09 AM: Cruel Hunting XX Hyper Lgihtning XX Hail Storm Posted by CiddypooKun on 03:08:2001 09:20 AM: Hayato, Gambit, Iron Man. Use Hayato to charge meter (J+HK). Dash w/ LP, MP, Siden XX Rasetsu Zan DHC Royal Flush (on last hit) DHC Photon Cannon (while Gambit is in pose). 100% in many cases... Magneto, Storm, Any. Magneto launch to LP, LK, MP, MK, HyperGrav XX Magnetic Tempest, DHC into Hailstorm, DHC into whatever... (I'd suggest Iron Man's Photon Cannon?). Just Mags and Storm usually does the trick...ridiculous damage. For flair... Guile, Charlie, Ken. Guile's flashkick special (let it hit twice), DHC into Charlie's flashkick special (let it hit twice), DHC into Ken's shoryuu reppa. Looks cool ^^; More flair...Rogue, Storm, Iron Man. Rogue's G'nite sugah, (while she's kissing) DHC Hailstorm, DHC Photon Cannon. Then of course any that you can DHC Ryu's Shin Shoryuken. - CiddypooKun Would you like wine with that cheese? Posted by Kenny on 03:08:2001 11:29 AM: T. Bonne, Cable, Storm.....Lunch Rush, HVB, Hail Storm,.......the damage is insane. Magneto, Storm, Sentinel.....i did this combo once.......Air Combo into Tempest, Hail Storm, Lightning Storm right after hail storm, hyper sentinel force Storm, Sentinel, Iron Man.......air combo into lightning storm, Hyper Sentinel Force, dash and Plasma storm, Proton Cannon, Hail storm. Storm, Magneto, Hulk......air combo into lightning storm, tempest, relaunch into air combo and tempest, Gamma Crush.....Hail Storm if you want but if you lucky, the gamma crush will hit twice and kill them. cammy, magneto, storm,.....air combo into kiler bee, tempest, relaunch into another tempest, hail storm, lightning storm, killer bee.....if you wondering why there are 6 supers......the relaunch using magneto builds an extra bar. Posted by elffzero on 03:08:2001 02:00 PM: ryu's shinkuu tastumaki xx ken's shoryu-reppa xx dan's otoko michi.. hehe.. Posted by strider_hien on 03:09:2001 06:57 AM: Ooh la la, it seems that Storm's Hail Storm is a very popular choice for DHC Posted by threeRd on 03:09:2001 07:20 AM: Natch. Doom/Magneto/Storm--Air Photon Array XX Magnetic Tempest XX Hail Storm If you DHC from Doom's air photon corner combo, you probably won't even need Storm. Heck, I usually don't need to DHC to the third person with this team regardless. threeRd Posted by strider_hien on 03:09:2001 07:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by threeRd: Natch. Doom/Magneto/Storm--Air Photon Array XX Magnetic Tempest XX Hail Storm If you DHC from Doom's air photon corner combo, you probably won't even need Storm. Heck, I usually don't need to DHC to the third person with this team regardless. threeRd Sounds like fun, gots to try that, too bad i suck with Doom and Magneto Posted by WHOCares? on 03:09:2001 07:39 AM: Here's a fun one I like with Morri/CapCom/Cyke: Morri is point character, use Cyke's AAA to combo in Air Darkness Illusion XX Captian Storm XX MOB. Not the most damaging, but still looks cool! Posted by strider_hien on 03:09:2001 07:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by WHOCares?: Here's a fun one I like with Morri/CapCom/Cyke: Morri is point character, use Cyke's AAA to combo in Air Darkness Illusion XX Captian Storm XX MOB. Not the most damaging, but still looks cool! I agree, that would look pretty cool, here's something that i read before Ken/Akuma/Ryu (ryu must be last) ken: wk, mk, fireball xx shoryureppa xx mesatsu gou shoryuu xx shin shoryuken now THAT would look cool, 3 uppercuts Posted by WHOCares? on 03:09:2001 07:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien: now THAT would look cool, 3 uppercuts Yeah, I can picture it now! BTW, Captian Storm is supposed to be Captian Sword! [This message has been edited by WHOCares? (edited 03-08-2001).] Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:09:2001 07:59 AM: How about the least useful one? Akuma/Dan Shun Goku Satsu XX Densetsu Chouhatsu 4 levels, 0 points damage Or the trickiest one? Jill/BB Hood (up close) Tyrant Super immediately XX Hyper Apple For You (note: Tyrant is canceled before it actually has hit detection, and Hyper Apple for You is a throw) Funniest Looking? Sonson/Anakaris POW XX Pharoah Illusion Anyone have a reliable way to DHC into the ground version of Ruby Heart's Barrel Super? OK, I'm out. -DFA Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 03:09:2001 08:18 AM: If you guys ever played on the lowest damage setting on an arcade its so hype to do DHC's. In my area there is one MvC2 machine that is set on the lowest damage and its so fun to do DHC's coz you can do so much without killing the guy, the hits reaching more than 100+ 1 example I did on scrubs who don't roll. Magneto: c.short, launch 1,2,3,4, Air dash, 1,2,3,4 Hyper Grav >> Magnetic Tempest DHC Psylocke Kouchou Gakure, c.short, launch, 1,2,3,4, up+rh >> Kochou Gakure DHC Sentinel HSF, launch, 1,2,3,4, QCF+PP (air super) DHC Magnetic Tempest, c.short, launch, 1,2,3,4, hyper grav XX Magnetic Tempest DHC Psi-Maelstrom DHC Sentinel QCF+PP (ground) at this point the kid died already but what's so funny was that he had so many chances to roll out of it but he didn't, LOL. He just stood there for like what seemed like an eternity watching as his sentinel gets comboed like crazy. Posted by *Magneto* on 03:09:2001 08:19 AM: forward+fp:Guiles Sonic Boom to: Jill's Tyrant to:Hulk Gamma Crush Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! Posted by *Magneto* on 03:09:2001 08:21 AM: Or theres this one: Cap.A Final Justice,right when they hit the ground do Spider-man's QCF+PP,then while in the sir do Hulk's Gamma Crush.... Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! Posted by SinfestBoy on 03:09:2001 08:37 AM: My fav: FAB XX Final Justice XX Hail super 'Gief Cap. America Storm My funniest: Spiral Transformation on ground XX FAB XX RAGING DEMON This is almost impossible, only did it twice in an arcade against a real person (not super scrub) It still hard in practice. need pimp timing. Posted by SinfestBoy on 03:09:2001 08:39 AM: another interesting one: Storm air combo XX lightining super (really close) XX magnetic tempest XX anything (RAGING DEMON!) Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 03:09:2001 10:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by SinfestBoy: My funniest: Spiral Transformation on ground XX FAB XX RAGING DEMON yeah, that is real funny, since that requires a total of 7 super meters. Spiral's metamorphose level 3 <-- 3 levels Zangief's FAB <-- 1 level Raging Demon <-- 3 levels total = 7 super meters DHCed ????? Posted by Fro on 03:09:2001 04:32 PM: Sinfest? That does sound a little shaky. You say you did it twice? How? It would be impossible to gain another meter by simply DHCing. I think you must've been doing it on DC or something cause that's the only way that you could get that many levels of meter. My turn. (This was my original bad-ass team... God they sucked ) Guile/Psylocke/Captian Commando Guile: Rush in lp, lp, fp, sonic boom, sonic hurricane, DHC into Psyonic Mailstorm, (*wait till it get's to the top!*) DHC into Captain Sword. Suck em in. Throw em up. Hack em down. Some others I liked: Omega/ Captian Commando/ Cable Omega: (With back to corner) Launch, lp, lk, lp (wait) lp, lk, lp, Throw Coil, Drain, Throw into corner, HCB + PP Carbonadium Smasher, DHC into Captain Sword, DHC into HVB. Ken/ Sakura/ Captian Commando (can you tell I like the guy?): Ken: Dash in lp, lk, lp, Feirce, Hadoken XX Jinrai Senrestu Thingy Move (the kick super),(wait till Ken takes them off the ground) DHC into Shinku Hadoken (Wait) DHC into Captian Sword. Dhalsim/ Ken/ Who Else? Captain Commando! Dhalsim: Launch(hard to do!) lp, lk, lp, (wait) lp, lk, lp, Down + HP XX Yoga Fire XX Super Yoga Fire (wait for the hits almost to end) DHC into Shinryuken (at the Shinryuken's peak) DHC into what was that move again...??? CAPTIAN SWORD! (Love this one cause it shows that even Dhalsim can combo (rock on my super negro! ) Oh YEAH! I forgot this one... I used to have a team (like my second team, long long time ago...) Zangief/ Son Son/ Ruby Heart (team Un-Attractive! (called this because the FAB, POW, and Barrel supers can make you feel unattractive and make you want to go home and take a shower) Zang: Jump in Fierce, Fierce, Spinning Glove, FAB DHC'd into Pow DHC'd into Barrel (the barrel won't hit the opponent but when it explodes on them they fly up so by the time they land you can get in another combo) Posted by RaverHavok on 03:09:2001 05:29 PM: I know this one is cheesy but it takes 100% damage and its easy to do. 3 x Anarkis Make sure you choose the assist that makes Anarkis do the Cobra Super. Get up close and do a triple attack super. Instant Death! Posted by silenttiger on 03:09:2001 05:50 PM: Cable/IronMan/WarMachine Jab. Jab. Viper Beam XX Hyper Viper Beam XX Proton CAnnon XX War Destroyer. Jab Jab XX THC. Magneto/SilverSamurai/Doom AC XX HyperGrav XX Magnetic Tempest XX Ramei Ken XX Flame Rocket Super (whatever it's called) XX Molecular Shield as they come down. Captain America/Charlie/Silver Samurai Final Justice (at last hit) xx Charlie's Rush Super(otg) XX Ramei Ken Colossus/Silver Samurai/Magneto AC XX shoulder tackle super (should connect going up, press down+any p or k button to connect going down too) As soon as you connect going down XX Ramei Ken XX Magnetic Tempest....Bye Bye Opponent. Knowledge = Power "A samurai lives his life with but one certainty; he must die: Posted by SinfestBoy on 03:10:2001 02:08 AM: you hafta build the levels before the spiral thing runs out. That is the point of why it is so hard. and on DC it is astually pretty easy Posted by manny on 03:10:2001 02:15 AM: Ironman, Ironman, Ironman. The THC is even more impressive. Posted by Zero on 03:10:2001 02:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by Fro: Oh YEAH! I forgot this one... I used to have a team (like my second team, long long time ago...) Zangief/ Son Son/ Ruby Heart (team Un-Attractive! (called this because the FAB, POW, and Barrel supers can make you feel unattractive and make you want to go home and take a shower) Zang: Jump in Fierce, Fierce, Spinning Glove, FAB DHC'd into Pow DHC'd into Barrel (the barrel won't hit the opponent but when it explodes on them they fly up so by the time they land you can get in another combo) Team unattractive? *laughs* The Aura Crusher -"It have BADNESS in it!" Posted by Hero on 03:10:2001 02:58 AM: psylocke/cap. com./sakura j.hp, c.lp, c.lp, c.hp, SJ, lp, lk, lp, lk, u+hk, double jump, lp, lk, lk psyblade, butterfly super, DHC to cap's captain sword, DHC to Sakura's shinkuu hadoken (qcb+pp). pyslocke/akuma/CapCom same setup with pyslocke, then DHC into Akuma's super hurricane, then DHC to Captain Sword guile/ruby heart/tronn Guile's flashkick super, ruby heart's qcf+kk super, wait a few hits, then DHC to tronn's qcf+pp super (make sure they don't hit the ground between ruby's super and the start of tronn's). Posted by strider_hien on 03:10:2001 04:25 AM: lol! those are some mean combos, especially when DeadlyRaveNeo talked about doing it on a scrub, lolol! Has anyone connected 5 magnetic Tempests in one combo? On the lowest setting of course, hehehe Or Try using 3 Magnetos, i wonder what pplz will do All times are GMT. The time now is 10:22 PM. 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